Secure act 2.0. The changes you need to know

Secure 2.0 Act: More Benefits for Retirement Savers

The Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 is a massive piece of legislation that brings about sweeping changes to the retirement landscape in the United States, with many of these changes set to take effect in 2025. The five most significant alterations this act will bring to retirement accounts include: Raising the Age for Required Minimum […]

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401k investment rules

Invest How You Want With A Self Directed 401k

A 401(k) is an employer-sponsored retirement plan. Those who are self-employed can also open an individual or self-directed 401(k), a type of retirement account specifically designed to support businesses that employ only the owner, the owner’s spouse and business partners. If you have a 401(k), you may want to understand the relevant investment rules. 4 […]

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how checkbook control works

Checkbook Control With Your IRA

If you want to set up a self-directed IRA or you already have an account, you may be able to improve it for quicker investing and bill payment. You can make this happen without waiting for your custodian to direct your bills and investments with checkbook control. Checkbook control, also referred to as IRA LLC, […]

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Reg CF

Reg CF Investing Through your IRA

Companies looking to raise money have an attractive new option: Regulation Crowdfunding (REG CF). This type of funding allows companies to offer and sell securities through crowdfunding platforms registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Companies must register with FINRA before they can use REG CF. Companies can raise $5 million in a 12-month […]

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5 Reasons to Explore Alternative Assets With Your IRA

5 Reasons to Explore Alternative Assets With Your IRA

By investing with your self-directed IRA, you are continuously growing your retirement funds and setting yourself up for future financial freedom. But what if you could go beyond your portfolio’s traditional investments and try something new? Through alternative assets, you can broaden your investing horizons to enjoy an array of benefits. What Are Alternative Assets? […]

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401k rollover basics

401(k) Rollover Basics

If you leave your job or retire, you may be wondering what your options are for a 401(k) rollover. Determining where you want to roll over your 401(k) is a crucial decision that can result in significant savings or costs. When you roll over your 401(k) with high-fee investments to your new employer’s 401(k) plan […]

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IRA Transfers vs. Rollovers

IRA Transfers vs. Rollovers

If you are new to investing, you may be unsure about the difference between an IRA transfer and a rollover. These two processes are similar, which is why they can be so easily confused. Still, they have key differences. If handled incorrectly, you may face greater costs, so it is crucial to know the difference […]

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Precious metal

9 Questions to Ask Before Investing in Precious Metals 

Precious metals have long been considered valuable investments and are often featured in investors’ portfolios. Savvy investors may invest in precious metals to diversify their portfolios, reduce portfolio volatility and protect assets against inflation.  If precious metals may be in your investment strategy, there are a few things to remember. Precious metal investment carries risk […]

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financial planning for your 50s

Financial Planning for Your 50s  

In your 20s, 30s and maybe even your 40s, retirement can feel like a distant reality. In your 50s, the horizon is beginning to inch closer. As such, it can be one of the most important decades for financial planning and developing a retirement savings plan. If you find you aren’t quite where you want […]

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how to diversify your retirement account

How to Diversify Your Retirement Account  

Investing all your retirement funds in one type of asset can be risky. If something happens to that asset class, your investment portfolio could be in jeopardy. Fortunately, you can mitigate the risk by spreading your funds to multiple types of assets. This is known as diversification.  Diversifying your investment portfolio can help decrease your […]

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