retiring before 50: pros and cons of early retirement

Retiring Before 50: Pros and Cons of Early Retirement

The enduring popularity of the F.I.R.E. (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement has revealed an intense interest in the idea of early retirement. There’s no doubt that the desire to retire years or even decades before passing the 60-years-old mark is alive and well in the 21st century. While retiring young is a hot topic, it does raise the question: […]

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Your IRA and Unintended UBTI

UBTI stands for unrelated business taxable income. It’s the tax placed on the income earned from an unrelated business, regardless of the tax filing status. How UBTI works For our example, say an investor were to use their IRA to fund and start up a small business like a yoga studio. A yoga studio is a business not necessarily related to the primary principle of […]

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